Dupa revolutia din 1989 ne-am cunoscut si apoi am devenit cu totii prieteni. Aveam inca de pe atunci aceleasi convingeri si aspiratii spirituale. Credeam cu toata fiinta si vroiam sa aratam si celorlalti ca este posibil sa traiesti viata intr-un mod minunat, bucurandu-ne impreuna cu altii de tot ceea ce ea ne oferea.
Stiam ca puteam fi mai mult, ca puteam sa ne perfectionam si sa ne transformam corpul, mintea si spiritul pentru a face posibila o traire a miracolului de zi cu zi. Realizasem ca fara Dumnezeu nu este nimic posibil.
Stiam ca practica Yoga ne transforma profund si autentic fiintele si aceasta reprezenta o premisa esentiala pentru a ne uni aspiratiile si elanurile, pentru a ne implini visele si pentru a-i ajuta si pe altii sa descopere frumusetea si minunea existentei.
Activitatea noastra se desfaşoara in Centrul de Yoga si Meditatie Kamala din Braşov, ale carui baze au fost puse inca din anul 1995. Conferinte despre naturopatie, despre spiritualitate, seminarii de parapsihologie, participare la primele expozitii de Yoga si astrologie, primele magazine naturiste din oras, asistenta si consiliere in domeniul naturismului au fost organizate in cadrul Centrului Kamala.
A existat o activitate constanta de promovare si sustinere a practicii Yoga si a spiritualitatii. Am colaborat cu alte asociatii de yoga si baze de tratamente naturiste si am reunit cunoasterea si experienta specialistilor nostri in cadrul unor programe de dezvoltare si armonizare pentru femei si pentru barbati.
Tot in 1995 a luat nastere editura Centrului de Yoga si Meditatie Kamala si au putut fi tiparite multe carti valoroase in domeniul spiritualitatii, terapiei naturale si dezvoltarii personale.
Dupa mai mult de 20 de ani de cand ne cunoastem, continuam activitatea practica si comunicarea cu toti cei care sunt interesati de spiritualitate, de transformare si care, la randul lor, doresc sa descopere minunea si sacralitatea existentei. Cu ajutorul lui Dumnezeu vom continua procesul evolutiei constiintei noastre si aspiram ca prin ceea ce facem sa fim de folos si altora.
In prezent, centrul nostru desfasoara urmatoarele activitati:
1. Cursuri de Hridaya Yoga
-Locale – in fiecare saptamana, in Brasov si Bucuresti
-Periodice – pentru cei aflati in alte orase se organizeaza o data pe luna cate 2 zile de yoga
-Intensive – o saptamana de yoga, fie la centrul nostru de la Sanpetru, fie intr-un alt loc
-Private – acasa la cei care isi doresc sa practice yoga sub o ghidare mai apropiata
-Individualizate – cursuri adresate unor persoane cu nevoi mai speciale, adaptate acestor cerinte
2. Seminarii
-Locale – la Centrul de Yoga si Meditatie din Sanpetru
-In alte localitati – atunci cand exista persoanele interesate pentru organizarea acestora
3. Retrageri de 3-10 zile
– In grup – sub forma unor tabere de meditatie sau de practica yoga la Centrul de Yoga si Meditatie din Sanpetru, ori intr-un alt loc adecvat
– Individuale – sub ghidarea profesorilor nostri, la Centrul de Yoga si Meditatie din Sanpetru
4. Consiliere spirituala
– de grup – pentru persoane cu interese comune care doresc sa fie sfatuite in probleme legate de practica yoga
– pentru cupluri
– individuala
5. Conferinte – organizate in Brasov, Bucuresti ori in alte localitati unde suntem invitati
Pentru informaţii privind cursurile şi activităţile noastre, precum şi pentru comenzi (cărţi, dispozitive de suspendare inversă, perne de meditaţie, etc), ne puteţi contacta astfel:
– telefon mobil: 0731.32.42.41 (general sau pentru cursuri din Braşov) sau 0731.32.42.39 (pentru cursuri din Bucureşti)
– telefon fix: 0268.360.424
– email: [email protected] sau [email protected]
Specificam ca Centrul de Yoga si Meditatie Kamala nu are legatură cu MISA.
Kamala Centre of Hridaya Yoga and Meditation
Kamala Center was founded in 1995 by Liviu Gheorghe and Simona Trandafir. Lectures and classes on yoga, spirituality, natural therapies, parapsychology seminars, the first exhibition of yoga and astrology from Romania, first herbal stores in Brasov, assistance and advice in these domains were organized by Kamala Centre from the very beginning. There was a constant activity to promote and support the practice of yoga and spirituality.
In 1995 was also born Kamala Publishing House and there were printed many and valuable books about yoga, spirituality, natural therapy and personal development. We continue to practice and communicate with all who are interested in spirituality, transformation and who, in turn, seek to discover the wonder and sacredness of being.
În 2007 Kamala became Kamala Centre of Hridaya Yoga and Meditation and co-founder are Liviu Gheorghe, Simona Trandafir, Sahajananda (Claudiu Trandafir), Sebastian Teodor, Veronica Godeanu. Hridaya Yoga (Yoga of the Spiritual Heart – atman) is our fundamental practice. În 2009 we organized in Romania for the first time the Hridaya Meditation Retreat with Sahajananda (Claudiu Trandafir). After that we have twice a year Hridaya Meditation Retreat with Sahajananda and other retreats during the year with the other teachers from Kamala. Hridaya classes are in Bucuresti and Brasov every week.
Currently, our Center performs the following activities:
– Hridaya yoga classes and lectures for beginners and advanced yogis
– Hridaya Meditation Retreats
-HTTC 200 and HTTC 300 – Hridaya Yoga and Meditation Teacher Training Course
– Classes of meditation practice
– Lectures about spiritual themes
– Initiations in Dasha Maha Vidya (The Ten Great Wisdoms)
– Training and advice on harmonizing male and female condition
– Advices on these areas: spirituality, natural therapies, astrology, yoga and parapsychology
– Publishing books in the same areas
– Yoga classes for senior people.
In Kamala Centre of Hridaya Yoga and Meditation, the activities are made in the spirit of Hridaya Yoga, Yoga of Spiritual Heart. By this we aspire to live in the heart, the Supreme Reality, in God (but God felt beyond all religious concepts and definitions). In this way achieve oneness with all Life. Our vision is based on the philosophy of Advaita, the essential unity of all existence. We start from the premise that everything in the universe is an embodiment of Supreme. Consciousness is revealed in each of us as Atman, Spiritual Heart, the source of freedom, spontaneity and our deepest happiness. Hridaya Yoga is our fundamental practice and it is based on traditional principles and spiritual vision. The methods used are mainly: Hridaya meditation (meditation for the revelation of the Spiritual Heart), concentration techniques and calming the mind, hatha yoga.
About Kamala Center of Hridaya Yoga and Meditation
After the revolution of 1989 we met and then we all became friends. Even then we had the same beliefs and spiritual aspirations. We thought deeply and we wanted to show to others that it is possible to live life in a wonderful way, enjoying all that it provides. We knew we could be more, that we could improve and transform our body, mind and spirit to gain a feeling of daily miracles. We realize that without God nothing is possible. We knew that yoga practice profoundly and authentically transform the people and this was an essential prerequisite to unite our aspirations, to fulfill our dreams and to help others to discover the beauty and the wonder of their existence.
Now the Hridaya community is a very big family… Sahajananda created after 2011 two important Hridaya Centers in Mazunte (Mexic) and in Longeval (France) and after years developed many Hridaya schools all over the world (https://hridaya-yoga.com/)
May the Sacred Tremor of the Spiritual Heart enlighten our lives!
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